Auditing Palestinian Donations
The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is one of the world's most enduring hostilities with both sides undergoing a constant struggle, with the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip reaching 54 years. Hostilities in recent days have caused the loss of human life and the destruction of physical infrastructure. Already high levels of psychosocial stress, especially among children, have been further exacerbated. Due to this alot of donations have been made to support Palestinian Refugees in Gaza. It is therefore important that an audit is conducted to prove the aspect of transparency and accountability of Palestinian donation funds.
Following are the results of the audit from the Public Accounting Firm Mohammad Yudhitama Al Kautsar No. 002/2.1270/NA/0979/VI/2021 assigned by the Mahad Islam Rafiah Akhyar Foundation (MIRA) to carry out an examination based on the agreed procedure on the report on Cash Receipts and Disbursements of the "Raising and Distributing Palestinian Donations" for the period of 16 May-3 June 2021.
This procedure is solely to assist in evaluating the preparation of the Program Cash Receipts and Expenditures report which is summarized as follows:
1. We examine the legal documents of the Rafiah Akhyar Mahad Islam Foundation and the "Raising and Distributing Palestinian Donations" program regarding their validity and validity period.
2. We conducted an inspection regarding the procedure for receiving cash for the "Raising and Distributing Palestinian Donations" Program, which is related to the period for receiving donations that have been determined and the bank account that was agreed to be used as an account for receiving donations.
3. We conducted an examination related to the cash disbursement procedure of the "Raising and Distributing Palestinian Donations" Program, namely conducting an examination of the existence of supporting evidence, the suitability of the supporting evidence with the expenditure figures in the program's financial statements, and validation of the supporting evidence .
From the procedure we carried out, the results obtained are as follows:
1. Regarding the procedure in item one, we found no exceptions.
2. Regarding the procedure in point two, we found no exceptions.
3. Regarding the procedure in point three, we found no exceptions.
In point one, the documents are legal, everything is clearly measurable they have been checked. The second point, 'we found no exceptions', means that it matches between those who enter and leave. The third point, means that the supporting data that we convey are clear, valid and checked according to where the source came from, where it came out and what it looked like then, was investigated.